Fallout new vegas brotherhood of steel quests
Fallout new vegas brotherhood of steel quests

The virus usually has one per section (such as 1 in the middle). The infected terminals are almost always in a row or close together in a group. If one gets a taunting message on the second screen, choose the option to isolate the virus. Then, if the text that shows up seems like a random string of letters and numbers, proceed to the next terminal. To do so, quickly enter each terminal and choose the only option one can. The Courier must find the virus on 3 terminals in 60 seconds to wipe it from the system. The computer virus infected a few computers in the bunker, and the Courier is asked by Ibsen to 'partition' the virus for Ibsen. The virus was originally put on a holotape by "some pre-War jackass with nothing better to do", as said by the annoyed Scribe Ibsen. When it was put onto the system, it infected their database terminals with a virus.

fallout new vegas brotherhood of steel quests

The Brotherhood of Steel found a holotape while searching the wastes for technology.

fallout new vegas brotherhood of steel quests

Reward: Access to the Hidden Valley database

Fallout new vegas brotherhood of steel quests